Bradfield Ringing Course


Although there is a wide range of choices we cannot guarantee that every group will be run each year.

Bell Experience


For this Group the only requirement is that you can ring rounds unaided.

What you will be doing

You will then ring at a range of towers specifically selected to give you experience of ringing on light and heavy bells, long and short draughts, plain bearings and ball bearings, etc. Your tutor will help you acquire the variations in techniques required to handle the different bells with complete confidence, and the Group Tutorials will concentrate on specific handling techniques and how to overcome handling problems generally, along with the skills of leading and striking accurately. You will also be able to practise the holding up and pulling in skills required for plain hunting. Much of the ringing, though, will be rounds and call changes. This group is ideal for ringers who wish to become well-rounded bell handlers on all types of bells.

Plain Hunt


For this group the requirement is the ability to confidently ring rounds and call changes with good bell handling; experience in raising and lowering is extremely beneficial.

What you will be doing

You will be looking to take those first steps into method ringing. Plain Hunt is the basis of all method ringing, so being competent and confident in hunting is the way forward. The ability to lead is essential to make rapid progress. This can sometimes be very difficult and confusing, and in this Group, consideration will be taken of your handling skills, as when good handling and competence in hunting are combined most students make rapid progress in their method ringing.

Plain Bob Doubles


For this Group, you need good bell control and experience of plain hunting on several different bells for example from the treble, second and third; and ringing the treble to other Doubles methods. Also being competent at leading is essential.


To start ringing plain courses of Plain Bob Doubles with confidence and develop the skills to advance to touches.

Grandsire Doubles


For this Group, you need good bell control and experience of plain hunting on several different bells for example from the treble, second and third; and ringing the treble to other Doubles methods. Also being competent at leading is essential.


To start ringing plain courses of Grandsire Doubles with confidence and develop the skills to progress to touches.

Stedman Doubles


You will need to already be able to ring touches of Grandsire Doubles and Plain Bob Doubles inside, with ease. You do not need any previous experience of Stedman.


To ring courses of Stedman Doubles; also to learn and practise ringing the Stedman Doubles single.

Plain Bob Minor


For this Group you need to be able to ring touches of Plain Bob Doubles inside, consistently and reliably.

What you will be doing

You will receive tuition and experience in all aspects of Plain Bob Minor. Developing the knowledge and skills to ring Bobs and Singles thus ringing touches of Plain Bob Minor.

Surprise Minor


For this Group you will need to be able to ring touches of Minor methods beyond Plain Bob with confidence including Little Bob Minor and hopefully Double Oxford Bob Minor.


Taking your first step into Surprise Minor, consolidating touches of Cambridge and moving on to Norwich, Beverley or London.

Stedman Triples


The ability to ring Stedman Doubles, ringing on 8 bells with confidence and able to ring Grandsire Triples.


To ring Stedman Triples courses with confidence and develop the knowledge and skills to survive a touch of Stedman Triples

Surprise Major - The Basics


For this Group you will need to be able to ring Cambridge Surprise Minor and touches of Plain Bob Major with ease and confidence and it would be good if you have attempted ringing Kent Treble Bob Major.


This Group start with Cambridge, but you will also try Yorkshire, Superlative and beyond.Also learn the building blocks for further development in Surprise Major

And Finally...

Even though all the students in each Group will be concentrating on the same method or tasks, they will all come to the Group with different levels of expertise and experience. Your tutor will be ensuring that each of you gets the maximum benefit from the Course, but you will still end up with different levels of expertise.